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Project information

Advanced Network Planning for Decision-Making in the Electrification of Road and Maritime Transport

J.P. Chaves C. Mateo M. Troncia M. Martínez M. Pérez-Bravo J. Matanza N. Rodríguez Pérez

November 2024 - November 2027

Funding entity Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Participated by i-DE, Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía, Plexigrid

The new loads associated with electrification may require high power peaks, such as the high-power chargers needed for the electric charging of heavy vehicles (trucks and buses) and Onshore Power Supply (OPS) for maritime transport (Cold ironing). In this scenario, current grid planning tools are very limited in ensuring optimal planning of investments in electric distribution networks and accurately predicting the power flows, given the many variables, disturbances, and sources of uncertainty.

In this context, i-DE SMART ELECTRIC NETWORKS, the PONTIFICAL UNIVERSITY COMILLAS, the ENERGY TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, and PLEXIGRID have come together in the PlaReDET project with the aim of researching and developing new analysis and calculation tools for advanced distribution network planning. These tools aim to incorporate uncertainty in investment decision-making for the electrification of heavy road and maritime transport, promoting the transition toward cleaner and more sustainable mobility.

The proposed tools focus on two key elements: managing uncertainty and integrating flexibility into network planning in scenarios dominated by electric mobility, with special attention to heavy land and maritime transport.

The PlaReDET project will work on characterizing uncertainty by modeling observed and projected patterns of net demand and flexibility assets, considering factors such as the degradation of components that incorporate power electronics and charging strategies. Flexibility is seen as a solution to address uncertainty and mitigate the potential impact of electric mobility and other distributed energy resources (DER).

The developed analysis tools will be validated with real data from the Mediterranean Corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), evaluating how this high-specific-power electrification affects the distribution network and what actions should be taken in its planning and operation.

Thanks to the PlaReDET project, technical criteria and new tools will be consolidated for the planning of electrical distribution networks, integrating DER and their flexibility while addressing uncertainty in the forecasting of electrical flows, facilitating optimal decision-making regarding investments.

Layman's summary: The new loads from electrification, such as high-power chargers for heavy vehicles and OPS for maritime transport, require high power peaks. The PlaReDET project, led by i-DE, aims to develop advanced planning tools to manage uncertainty and flexibility in the electrification of transportation.

Techniques employed: Optimization, algorithms based on artificial intelligence